Well hope you all have a great 2011 !
So far we are getting on OK with our new collie !
She is now just over 4 months old.
The crate training is working out well and we can leave her for 3 hours if need be and she is happy. We havent done this long every day but we can if we need to.
She has enjoyed two dog training classes since I last blogged. We have learned about dog grooming and harnesses and leads as well as trying out walking on the lead (always on the left) and doing a Sit-Stay exercise. Next week the puppies may be allowed to socialise which should be interesting !
We were shown how to make the dog sit by tweaking her muscle at her "knee" - I think I have the hang of this but its apparently a safe way to make them sit if they havent obeyed after hearing Sit twice. It has worked and now she does sit well.
The main issue at the moment is that she is showing a huge interest in cars. I think it was probably fear based to start with but now she will walk OK with four cars going past and then she might launch herself across pavement on the next car going past and she is watching all the cars. We are trying things like carrying treats or a ball to distract her and also saying a strong "No" when she tries to go towards the car. As well as still encouraging her to "heel" and walk well. If anyone has had similar experiences and if you have managed to sort it out then please send us your comments !